Sunday, January 18, 2009

Facebook whore

What exactly is a facebook whore? Well, according to my friend and roommate, a facebook whore/slut is someone who has more than 500 friends on the facebook. And although I must say there are a few exceptions to the rule, I do agree with her.

A facebook whore is someone who is quick to friend everyone and anyone in order to 1) look cool 2) flaunt the number of friends they have on the facebook 3) look like a tool without even realizing it. Then, there are people who randomly friend friends of friends, people they DON'T know AT ALL, just for the sake of upping their number of facebook friends.

How often do you get a random friend invite from someone you never even knew existed. They probably saw your post or picture on the profile of one of your friends, whom they may be friends with, and decided to add you. I've probably received a few dozens of these "random" invites. At first, annoyed as hell, I would rudely message them back saying that I didn't know who the hell they were. But then, I stopped because I didn't want to sound too mean.

Anyway, the number of friends, once it reaches over 400 or even 300, gets pretty damn ridiculous. I even know of a guy who has close to 1,200 so-called facebook friends. Now, that is a cry for serious need of mental help. Honestly, do you really have 1,200 friends?

We all know of someone who engages in this sort of behavior, and yes, I must admit I, too, have been guilty of friending people whom I barely knew. This behavior was particularly fervent in the good ole college days when facebook was first introduced and I didn't want to end up being one of those "losers" who only had 12 friends on the facebook. But as I've matured, I've graduated from that sort of idiotic behavior. Hell, I'm even going to go through and defriend people who I don't evern speak to. Why not? These are people whom I'll probably never meet again and probably won't want to regardless.