Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 12

Boy, I sound like a member of AA. So far, most people have been receptive to my decision to completely cut ties with my former friend, alcohol. The usual response that I get after I reveal this newly turned leaf in my life, is the question 'why,' to which I usually respond with an elaborate explanation on how bad alcohol is on one's body.

But that's not the only reason why I decided to quit drinking. I wanted to prove to no one, but myself, that once I make a decision, I can go through with it. I guess in a way, the whole idea is a testament to my will power, or lack thereof.

I used to be a social drinker. Like most people my age, I would enjoy a beer or two on the weekends during a typical night out with my friends. But truth be told, how often does one stick to just one or two beers? Usually, people start out the night with the intention of getting drunk. Whether it's to get wasted, hammered, shit-faced, plastered, etc. basically it all boils down to getting inebriated and incapacitated. How often do you go to a party, be it a friend's holiday party or some crazy frat party, and skip out on the drinking scene. Almost never, right?

Well, therein lies the problem. One or two drinks is never enough, and more often than not I'll end up drinking way too much than my body can handle. And the shock of seeing the tab on my credit card bill only adds to the problem. So not only is it hard on the body, but it's also brutal on one's bank account.

Anyway, I'm glad I finally decided to throw in the towels. I'd much rather have a fun night out and remember what happened the next day instead of waking up next to the toilet.

So there it is. Some of my acquaintances have given me shit about not drinking anymore, but the majority of my close friends have been receptive and supportive, for which I am grateful. The decision has been a long time coming, and I'm ecstatic that I finally worked up the will power and self-control to stick to it.