Friday, June 20, 2008

No more swearing

Yes. I am prone to swearing. It seems that it gets worse during times of stress such as during and after midterms, recruiting season, or dealing with jerks. I've realized, however, that my swearing may have gotten out of hand during these past few months. And though I don't swear much in person, I do swear a lot in writing, which isn't that much of an improvement.

In previous years, I've always made it a point to include "stop swearing" as one of my new years resolutions. Not only is it a great way to ring in the New Year, but it also gives me something to ponder over during those champagne-induced, late night parties that go down during the last few days in December.

But I realize it's time for some midyear intervention. Seeing how my swearing has gotten out of hand, I really need to put a plug on this or else I'm going to risk picking up a life-long habit of looking like a complete idiotic arse hole.

A few months ago, my friend and I came up with a system in which whenever I swore, she'd whack me. *ouch* But since she's not around 24-7 to monitor my use of profanities, I need to rely on a system that doesn't involve a second party.

So here goes. Whenever I swear, I'll "donate" .25 cents in my piggy bank. I really have no use for these quarters now that I don't use coin-operated machines, but I'm sure the money will come in handy particularly after I go broke by the end of the summer.

Oh, and I will only swear when a situation really really really calls for it. Hopefully, there won't be that many. *crosses fingers*