Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Wellesley to Davis! A few more days to go

Saturday, May 24, 2008

What the HELL?

Tentative plans

End of May:
-Furnish Apt

-Continue unpacking
-Furnish apt :)
-Cali Jun 27-Jul 1

-4th of July with high school buddies!
-build up work wardrobe. Grungy student in jeans and sweatpants to...'I meet with clients everyday' professional look. I <3 Ann Taylor

-too far ahead to plan..haha

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cross country roadtrip

My plans to do a cross country road trip have been in the making since I graduated from high school. I just never had the means or the time to do it, but I've finally decided to go ahead with it this August, 2008. (or at least that's the plan)

Laundry list:

Boston, MA to San Francisco, CA : 3,100 mi

Duration: According to google map..driving non-stop, and I mean non-stop, I would get there in a day and 21 hours. Scratch that. It'll take me 10 days. The plan is to reach Los Angeles, then drive up I-5N to San Francisco.

Pit stops: Not really planning on exact locations other than a few areas I really want to see, like Yosemite, Las Vegas, Austin, Texas, Memphis, Tennessee, etc I'll just go where the road takes me.

Vehicle: Either it'll be a rent-a-car or a U-haul truck depending on whether I end up going with a friend who's moving to the West Coast for grad school :) Yay.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Taken from Marie's wallpost

problems with sexual reproduction:
-time and energy in finding a mate
-males are unnecessary and a waste of ecological space.

-Bdelloid rotifers-gave up on sex

-Eventually males can die out of a species
-360 species all descended from a single female
-No evidence of sex in 50-100 million years

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Davis Square


-courtesy of Chris :)

great night life, bars, pubs, restaurants, gayest part of Boston. A new place to call home.

No joke.

..............Gotta get my mind off this. Time is your best friend.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


오랜만에 수호 선배하고 같이 저녁먹었다.
To celebrate our last day of classes at MIT, he and I went and saw 'What happened in Vegas' and ended up drinking at the Miracle of Science Bar near MIT.

술주량이 줄어서 그런지 롱아일랜드 마시고 정신이 비몽사몽~

catching up

I absolutely <3 the view-again option online.
This will be my new procrastination method for the next few days.

Monday, May 12, 2008


Thought I had it all figure out. Told myself I wouldn't let anyone in. I did. And it hurts.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sooo cool!!!

The most bizarre (but cool) thing just happened.
Christin ran into my room late this evening and demanded that I take a certain quiz. So I did, and it's SCARY how accurate this was.

So here's what you need. A pen and a blank sheet of paper.

1) Draw a large circle
2) Draw an equilateral triangle
3) Draw a right triangle
4) Draw a smaller circle
5) Draw an 'x'

Now, go back and draw a separate image using each object. Now write down a descriptive word/exclamation (i.e. explosive, fast,) that describes what you drew.

Here is the scary part. This is what the images mean:

The word that you used to describe the object is how you feel about:
1) large circle - yourself
2) equilateral triangle - your future
3) right triangle - present work
4) smaller circle - sex..my response was bald, if that makes any sense. (Bald = gross...and sex = gross??)
5) 'x' - lover/significant other

With a few exceptions, the results are pretty damn accurate...scarrrry...........

Thursday, May 8, 2008

All good things

eventually come to an end.

Yesterday, with the end of my last Art History seminar, came the end of my career as a Wellesley student. Well, there's still graduation, so let's not be too pessimistic. As I walked back to Stone-Davis I came across the a large group of students. Apparently, they had just come back from step-singing and were celebrating with a few members of the school's faculty, including Kris and John, the best dean a student could ever ask for. I'm going to miss him dearly.

After celebrating the last day of class with a few friends and toasting to our final days at Wellesley with rose champagne, I headed over to the science center with Christin to look for a little piece of the Wellesley bubble that was left all over campus. As part of Wellesley's tradition, each year the Senior Class Council leaves behind a trinket for the seniors to find. This year, they decided to use little bottles containing bubble mixture - the idea behind the bottle was that each graduating senior would take a piece of the Wellesley bubble with her. Awwwwww.

Well, each bottle contains the name of one of the members of the Senior class, and it is up to the student to find her name. Anyway, we spent about 20 minutes searching the entire building from top to bottom, and I was about to give up when Christin walked towards me with a huge grin on her face while she held up my bottle. ;p She ended up finding mine in one of the stairways that we had missed.

Then we walked over to Founders to find hers, which was conveniently located on the fourth floor of the building. Thus came the end of our senior hunt...Just one more thing to cross off from my 'things to do at Wellesley' list

Monday, May 5, 2008


Sometimes I wish things were much simpler than they are now.

It's been pretty rough these past few weeks, in fact, this past month was probably the roughest four weeks of my entire life. Words can't describe the highs and lows (extreme lows) that I've had to go through. I couldn't have pulled through without the support of a few close friends.

Thanks Christin, Chris, and Christina (the three C's ;0) for lending me your shoulders to lean on. I'm so blessed to have you guys as my friends!